When your school is a place where everyone wants to help kids live their best lives, it can be frustrating when you feel like you or your team are the only ones who even see the separation between the rest of the school and multilingual families, much less are working to do something about it.
In this webinar, Anne Truran, who has been leading in this work for fourteen years, will share three key moves, any one of which is a powerful lever to creating a more inclusive school environment, so you don't feel like you have to figure it all out on your own, and can, in the end, feel proud of the progress you lead in your school system.
Register to get the clarity and concrete ideas to help you choose your most effective next step.
If you work in a school system that is experiencing an increase in linguistic diversity, you don't have feel overwhelmed by the gaps in your school's practices that you see leaving multilingual students and families as an afterthought. There is a pathway toward greater inclusivity, no matter what challenges lie in your way, and you can position yourself to make it happen.
When you work in education, you want to help kids live their best lives, and you are surrounded by others who want the same. Yet, if you are working with multilingual students and families you may find yourself frustrated and even take it personally when you look around and find that the rest of the district's staff are not using translation and interpretation resources as they should.
If you often feel alone and anxious about the separation between the schools and multilingual families, this webinar is to give you the support and training no one else is giving you. If you feel like you're shouting from the mountaintops about unequal access to information, civil rights compliance, and the need for your district to close its multilingual communication gaps in order to fulfill its vision of equity and inclusion, this webinar is meant to make sure you don't have to shout, but that your voice is heard AND acted upon.
Anne struggled for years to get the schools in her district to use translation and interpretation, and finally nailed a system that built staff knowledge, investment, and self-sufficiency so she could focus her efforts on running the system instead of putting out fires or slapping bandaids on communication misses.
She shares key moves in this webinar to help you build out a comprehensive plan so that you can be proud of your success and effectiveness in this area as well.
There is no need to continue feeling frustrated when others in your district fail to follow through on multilingual family communication, which you know to be so important. It is possible for you to cut through the whirlwind of the system and lead your school to multilingual communication compliance and equity without the panic attacks, the fires, or temporary fixes.