Skill 2: Pronouncing "Tricky" Consonants
h, j, ll, ñ, z
1. You may optionally watch this tricky consonant practice video.
2. Choose the consonant(s) that you most want to practice.
3. Find the list that corresponds with the consonant(s) you are targeting. Practice saying the words on your targeted list aloud. You may do this step independently or with a partner.
4. When everyone in your group is done practicing one list, read 3 words from the top of your list and 2 words from the bottom of your list aloud to each other. You may help each other with your pronunciation.
5. Pick a new list and repeat until you are out of time.
2. Choose the consonant(s) that you most want to practice.
3. Find the list that corresponds with the consonant(s) you are targeting. Practice saying the words on your targeted list aloud. You may do this step independently or with a partner.
4. When everyone in your group is done practicing one list, read 3 words from the top of your list and 2 words from the bottom of your list aloud to each other. You may help each other with your pronunciation.
5. Pick a new list and repeat until you are out of time.
h - silent |
j - "h" |
ll - "y" |
hada hielo hueso hiato hábito hablar huevos helado cohete inhalar rehusar alcohol huerta almohada cacahuete vehículo Hugo Héctor Hernández |
caja jabón paja brujo junio jueves juntos juego lejos mejor jugoso pájaro Julia Javier abeja frijoles Juana Javier Juárez |
allá brillo llamas llorar lleva llegar llanta llenado pasillo llanura lluvioso caballo pastilla detalle capullo bolsillo Estrella Allende Castellanos |
ñ - "ny" |
z - "s" |
mixed consonants level 1 |
uña años piña puño pañal dueño sueño muñeca español enseñar engañar extraño retoño pequeño montaña tamaño campaña Choño Ereño Agostiño |
azul danza panza marzo zancudo abrazo corazón zorro zapato cerveza mestizo tristeza azafrán organiza localizar reemplazar alfabetizar Zoraida Enzo Cortéz |
juez hijo hizo hojas huella hazaña zuñido ajillo llovizna callejero ajobilla zanahoria hondureño zapatillo hachazo brillantez hojuela |