Skill 15: Forming my own questions and statements
1. Choose which you wish to target in your practice: statements, questions, or both?
2. Get out your verb lists. AR verbs are in packet 2, p. 5-6. ER and IR verbs are in packet 4, p. 7-8.
3. If you need them, get out your question words in packet 2, p. 10 and prepositions in packet 1, p. 7.
4. Make a copy of your practice sheet for: statements, questions, or both.
5. Check your answers using the answer key on the last page.
2. Get out your verb lists. AR verbs are in packet 2, p. 5-6. ER and IR verbs are in packet 4, p. 7-8.
3. If you need them, get out your question words in packet 2, p. 10 and prepositions in packet 1, p. 7.
4. Make a copy of your practice sheet for: statements, questions, or both.
5. Check your answers using the answer key on the last page.